Usaha pisau tradisional

Usaha di bidang pembuatan pisau ,pisau tradisional  hingga saat ini keuntunganya masih di bilang lumayan.Seperti bapak Nano yang berdomisili di daerah purbalingga.
Memulai usaha ini dari tahun 1980an hingga sekarang masih tetap berjalan dengan baik, kala itu pemasaran mencakup warga dan pasar sekitar jawa tengah. Dengan memanfaatkan besi bekas peer mobil yang di dapat dari sekitar tempat tinggal nya Beliau mampu meraup keuntungan hingga 6 juta perbulan dengan mengerjakan 3 orang karyawan di samping rumahnya

Dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet seperti sekarang  produk yang unik ini mampu menjangkau pasar seluruh wilayah Indonesia .
Sering para pemesan menunggu beberapa hari untuk mendapat produk yang mereka inginkan.Pembuatan untuk 1 pisau memakan waktu hingga 3 hari tergantung tingkat kesulitannya.
Pisau tradisional yang unik memang banyak yang mencari untuk koleksi pribadi, tidak jarang para kolektor pisau aliran tradisional memburu sampai keluar negeri untuk melengkapi koleksi mereka.
Saya sangat optimis usaha pisau ini akan terus berkembang setiap tahunya' ujarnya.
Memang karena usaha seperti ini sangat jarang pemainnya hanya kalangan tertentu saja kebanyakan para pengrajin adalah sudah berusia di atas 60 tahun, bahkan anak dari knifmaker ini enggan untuk melanjutkan usaha orang tua mereka, mungkin karena di nilai tidak ada ada perkembanganya .
Padahal dengan memanfaatkan jaringan internet pemasaran pisau seperti ini akan semakin luas.
Kita lihat saja dengan memiliki pisau yang unik adalah suatu hobby tersendiri banyak dari konsumen ini adalah orang-orang kalangan atas.
Dibandingkan dengan pisau modern yang ada di pasaran, harga pisau tradisional ini tidak terpaut jauh bahkan lebih mahal dari pisau modern buatan luar negeri.

Selengkapnya … Usaha pisau tradisional

Cara membuat souvenir burung

Usaha di bidang souvenir masih sangat menjanjikan ,seperti souvenir penikahan,kado,ulang tahun dan lainya.
Akan tetapi di sebagian orang masih bingung untuk memulai sebuah usaha. Mau usaha apa yah saya ini ?.
Sering mereka tidak menyadarinya bahwa lima menit perjalanan dari rumah ada toko kain,toko kertas bahkan bisa jadi di gudang belakang rumah ada setumpuk kain yang sudah tidak terpakai,
Lho apa hubunganya sama usaha?.Maksud saya begini jika Anda bingung akan memulai usaha apa sedangkan di sebelah ada sebuah toko yang menjual kain-kain dan kertas bekas kenapa tidak memanfaatkanya,kain bekas tentu untuk percobaan dulu dengan menggunakan kain baru akan lebih baik.
Wah makin bingung inih?
Begini maksud saya, manfaatkanlah kain tersebut untuk membuat souvenir, soal ide itu gampang Anda bisa menemukan panduanya diluar atau disini. Maksud khan ??.
Panduan membuat souvenir contoh nya seperti ini, langsung saja yah di perhatikan ;
Membuat souvenir burung unik lentik dan cantik

You will need:

Some felt for body parts, about 20cm by 10cm.
Some different coloured felt for his feet and beak.
Thread to match your felt.
A small bit of white felt.
A feather.
A two pence piece. Make sure it's OK that you keep the two pence, it's going inside the bird.
Two tiny beads.
A pencil.
A needle.
A few pins.
Oh, and some stuffing (not pictured).

Step 1.
The body.
Using about half of the body part felt, fold it in half and pin the layers together. Cut this curved line on the open side to make the body shape. It doesn't have to be exactly like mine, just make sure you don't cut the folded side 

Keep the pin in and sew up the open side using matching, doubled thread, in over stitch. Don't sew up the straight edge, this is the bottom of the body, where the stuffing goes in.
I'm using blue thread so that you can see what I'm doing.

Tie a knot at the top by going under a stitch with your needle before the stitch is pulled flat. Like this:

Stuff the body full of stuffing. You can use cotton wool if you don't have toy stuffing.

Draw around the bottom of the body on the remainder of your body part felt. Draw it in the corner as you'll need the rest of the felt later on. Cut out the circle you've drawn.

Pop it on to the round end of the body like a lid, if it doesn't fit, give it a trim.

Start to sew the circle on to the body like in the picture below:
Before you get all the way around, push the two pence piece inside. Then sew up the gap.

Step 2.
Fold a piece of beak coloured felt in half and pin the layers together. Cut out a beaky shape a bit like mine below.
It doesn't have to be any particular size or shape, you can make it however you like, it's your bird. I used the fold in the felt as part of the beak, it cuts down the amount of sewing and looks neater on the top of the beak. You'll see what I mean in a minute or two.

Sew around the open edges of the beak with over stitch, but not the bottom flat end. Leave that open so it can be stuffed and fitted to your bird's face.

Stuff the beak. You might need to use a pencil to get in to the beaky point.

Pop the beak over the end of the bird's face like in the picture below. See how using the fold of the felt as part of the beak makes the top of the beak look nice and neat? The stitches are mostly on the underside.
To secure the beak, sew through the beak and face going all the way through to the other side. Side view:

Back view:

Try and keep your stitches small so that they don't stand out too much. It should look something like this:

He needs more features.
Cut out two wings, two feet, two white eye circles and two yellow eye circles. You can make these whatever size you think will suit your bird. You could make extra big wings if you think your bird might like to fly a long way. Make big feet if he'd rather walk.
The white eye circles need to be a little bit smaller than the yellow ones.

Cut a hole in the middle of the yellow eye circles. To do this, fold the circle in half and cut a small semi circle shape out of the folded side of the circle.

Cut some feathery slits in the wings.

Sew one bead in to the centre of each white eye circle. 

Glue the white eye circles on to either side of the bird. If you want him to look extra inquisitive, glue one white eye circle slightly lower down than the one on the other side.

Glue on the yellow eye circles over the white ones so that the bead peeps out like in the picture below.
Glue on the wings with just a dot of glue in the top corner so that he can still flap.

Glue the feet on the underside of the body like this:

Poke the end of the feather in between the stitches on top of the bird's head.
You can put a bit of glue on the tip of the feather if you think it might fall out. Mine didn't need it though.

Mudah khan cara membuatnya, Sekarang Anda tidak usah bingung lagi memulai usaha apa, Anda bisa memanfaatkan kain untuk membuat souvenir dan jadilah.
Anda bisa mengembangkan usaha mudah souvenir seperti ini.Panduan disini hanya sedikit contoh saja yah?
Apabila Anda bisa membuat souvenir yang unik dan mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri saya yakin dalam sebulan kedepan banyak orang yang membutuhkan orang seperti Anda.
Maksud saya banyak orang yang memesan hasil karya Anda 
Dalam dua bulan kedepan Anda akan kebanjiran order 
dan bersiap-siaplah di panggil bos souvenir, he he.
Kunjungi cara membuat souvenir, cara membuat perhiasan,clay polymer,cara membuat baju dan bagaiman cara lainya di panduan yang lebih lengkap Klik disini

Ok selamat memulai usaha baru Anda semoga sukses selalu.
Selengkapnya … Cara membuat souvenir burung

Cara membuat souvenir

Mendapat souvenir ketika menhadiri pesta pernikahan rekan ? Saya sering mengalami ini dan mungkin teman-teman banyak mengalami hal serupa seperti saya, Bagaiman rasanya? sangat senang sekali ?.
Bahkan souvenir 7 tahun lalu masih tersimpan dengan baik di lemari ruang tamu saya.
Souvenir pernikahan biasanya mempunyai keunikan sendiri, dan jarang sekali menemukan bentuk yang sama antara souvenir yang satu dengan lainnya.
Berikut adalah panduan membuat souvenir yang mungkin bisa di jadikan sebagai hadiah di pernikahan atau pesta ulang tahun Anda.
very beautiful. Ok let's get started

Anda bisa memilih warna yang Anda suka dengan selera sendiri, Kuning dan hijau lebih saya sukai, baiklah mari kita siamak panduan ini sangat mudah sekali kok saya yakin Anda akan bisa cepat menguasainya.
Cukup dengan melihat panduan bergambar ini Anda akan membuat souvenir cantik hasil karya sendiri.

You will need:

About 14cm by 20cm of felt for the body, any colour you like.
A small piece of white felt.
An even smaller piece of beak coloured felt, any colour you like.
Thread to match your body and beak felt.
Some stuffing, I have wadding here but you can use anything, fabric scraps or cotton wool balls.
Craft glue.
A ruler (I'm beginning to think rulers are quite handy after all).
A needle.
A pin.
A penny.
A two pence piece.
A pencil.
A scrap of paper.
Two teeny beads.

Read through all of the instructions first, then you'll know what you're doing.

Step 1.

We're going to use a paper pattern to help get the right shape, don't worry it's easy.
Measure and draw an 8cm by 3cm rectangle on your paper, I'm using green paper so that you can see it against the white background, it doesn't matter what colour you use.

Cut out the rectangle, then fold it along the lines I have drawn, so it ends up like mine in the picture here.

Making sure the folds are at the bottom and at the left. Draw a curve like mine and cut along your line, it should be a pointy oval shape when you open it out.

Step 2.

Now it's time to draw around shapes and cut them out. You need 5 of the oval shape you made, these are the body pieces.
See how I've squashed them up at one side? That saves materials, good for the planet and good for you as you might have enough left to make another Chick-a-Dee.

Draw around your penny and your two pence twice each like I have. These are the eye circles. Use some of the left over body coloured felt for the two pence pieces and the white felt for the penny.

Let's go for it and draw the beak free hand, can you imagine how this diamond shape could turn out to be a beak? You can make it any size you like, small beaks are cute, big beaks are funny.

Cut out all of these shapes.

You should have all of these pieces:

  • 5 body pieces
  • 2 white inner eye circles
  • 2 yellow outer eye circles
  • A beak.

Step 3.

You need to use four of the body pieces for this part. Put two body pieces together like a sandwich with nothing in it. Make two of these like in the picture below. 
Sew up one side using over stitch, use doubled thread and make a nice big knot in the end. It needs to be secure as we're going to stuff it.
Use thread that matches your felt unless you want your stitches to stand out like mine.

When you open them out you should have two of these pea pod shaped things. Put one over to one side.

Step 4.

Now take one of the pea pods and nestle the remaining body piece inside it. I've used my paper pattern here to show you as it's difficult to see what I mean.

Line up the edge, just try your best as this bit is tricky. Use a pin to hold it where you want it. Sew up the edge using over stitch again.

When you open it out it should look like mine below.

Step 5.

Now you should have one pea pod with two segments and another with three, like in these pictures:

Pick up your two segment pod and squash it, turning it inside out like this:

Your inside out pea pod shaped thing should look pretty much the same as it did before but the nice big knot you made to secure your thread when you sewed it up, that should be on the inside now.

Put the two segment pod inside the three segment pod. I'm going to use lots of pictures as it's another tricky bit.

 Push it in.

Line up the two sides, again, just try your best, it takes a while and it's fiddly. Pin the edges to keep them still. This is the hardest part of the whole Chick-a-Dee, if you can do this part the rest is easy.

Sew almost all the way around, I stopped here like in the picture below and tied a good double knot.

Poke your finger in through the hole and open out the body so it looks like this:

Your Chick-a-Dee is inside out at the moment, you need to turn it the right way out. It's just like turning a jumper the right way out so you can wear it properly. Ask for help if you need it. People like to be asked sometimes, it makes them feel useful.

Step 6.

I like stuffing! It's fun. Stuff your Chick-a-Dee until it's full, you might find you need more stuffing than you thought. I usually do.

When it's really full like mine, sew up the hole like I am in the picture below. Hide your starting knot on the inside of the body so it's nice and neat. Sew up the gap pulling the thread so that the hole closes up.
When you get to the end, do a double knot and trim off the thread as close to the knot as you can. If it's a bit messy, it doesn't matter, just turn your Chick-a-Dee upside down, that part can be its bottom!

Roll the completed body ball between your hands and give it a good squeeze, play catch with it for a bit, this helps to even out the stuffing and it's fun too.

Step 7.

Now to add the features.
Fold the diamond shape so that it looks like a beak and pin it to the Chick-a-Dee. Sew the beak on, I found the easiest way for me was to go in the body then out through the beak, you might find a better way. If you want to hide your stitches use thread that matches the beak. Hide your finishing knot underneath.

Next for the eyes.
If you are using teeny seed beads, make sure that your needle and thread will pass through the hole of the bead. You might need to find a bigger bead or a smaller needle.
Go in through the white inner eye circle and pop the bead on like I have below. Pull the thread all the way through then go back down through the felt, just next to the bead and tie a knot on the underside.

You should have two like this. They look surprised to see us!

You can get lots of different looking Chick-a-Dee faces by moving the eyes around. Maybe have a play with them before you decide where they are going to go.
Read the instructions on your glue and ask for help if you need it. Glue on the eyes where you want them.
Looking pretty cute now hey?

The outer eye circles need to have the middle cut out to make a hoop shape, fold them in half and go in like this with the scissors, this is another good time to ask for help and make someone feel useful.

You should end up with them looking like these ones below. Don't worry if they are a bit wobbly, because felt is so great you can pull and push them around until they look how you want them to.

Glue these over the white eye circles like this:

Poke a feather in between the stitches on the top of the head. TaDa! All done!

Selesai dan silahkan beri nama untuk si cantik ini, 

Membuat sovenir itu sangat mudah, oh yah apabila Anda seorang yang berjiwa bisnis, hasil karya seperti ini sangat layak untuk di jual loh. Anda bisa berkreasi sendiri panduan disini hanya sedikit memberi contoh saja.
Apa bila ada ada waktu pergilah ke toko souvenir terdekat, lihatlah disana Anda akan menemukan inspirasi untuk membuat souvenir yang di padu dengan kesukaan anda.
Saran dari saya gunakan waktu anda dengan baik dengan memanfaatkan hoby untuk menghasilkan beberapa lembar Rupiah, ikuti panduan disini untuk inspirasi usaha Anda.
Di luar sana banyak sekali yang sukses mengembangkan usaha dengan melihat panduan seperti ini,mereka mempraktekan dengan bahan seadanya dan menjualnya secara offline maupun online.
Seperti sahabat saya di Palembang sdri Dewi telah sukses mengembangkan usaha souvenir online nya.Selamat saya harapkan ada banyak Dewi-dewi lain yang menyusul.Ok lain waktu saya akan memposting tentang keberhasilan Sdri Dewi yang telah berhasil mengembangkan usaha souvenir seperti ini.

Nb; Jika Anda menginginkan banyak tutorial lain sesuai dengan hobby berupa video yang mudah di ikuti silahkan lihat  panduan lengkap Klik disini

Semoga bermanfaat.
Selengkapnya … Cara membuat souvenir